A blog about me, myself, and I written by well ME! In this blog you will read the things that make me who I am; journal entries; short stories and other written things by me; random things that make me laugh (even if they aren't funny); and you will also read about my crazy obsession for Taylor Swift.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today, I made a blog...

Hello my soon to be readers!!! Today I finally got around to creating that blog I have always wanted to create!  Being a writer, I always want to have an audience and it is the greatest privilege in the world.  However, being 14, it is not very common to be read.  First, a bit about me!  I am 14, so yes, I'm young. I want to be a writer, I love music, I love my guitar, and I love my friends.  Common 14 year old right?  My dreams and goals are many but to tell you the truth, I know what I love and I have a plan.  After high school I would like to attend Columbia University and  major in both Creative Writing and Journalism.  After college I would really like to move to Nashville for a few years to work on my writing and my music.  I realize that being a musician is not a very realistic goal.  I love music though.  I love writing it and I love hearing it.  That is why I think Nashville is my place to be.  I could spend quiet time working on a novel or something, and explore the music scene as well.  As the name of my blog, and my blog description state, I LOVE Taylor Swift.  I am obsessive.  I know basically everything there is to know about her.  Go ahead, ask me.  Currently, in fact, I am listening to her on my iPod on eternal repeat.  The current song is "Today Was a Fairy Tale".  I love that song...  I cannot wait for her concert... It is in 29 DAYS!!!!!  Yes, 29 days my friends, until I Speak Now.  From the videos I have seen, I think this will be the best concert I will ever attend!  Well, at least until I go to her next concert.  I am a certified Swiftie.  I actually do get slightly offended when people insult her.  She is a true talent.  Anyway...  Well I am going to go watch "The Lying Game" while I make dinner.  Also, I am anxiously awaiting the "Pretty Little Liars" finale tonight!  I am really sad that it isn't going to be on for a while!!! Oh well.  Tomorrow I will tell you guys all about it and about my first day of freshman year... And my summer!!! LOVE<3LOVE<3LOVE

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